Hit the Pavement for the Poor

John Freund, CM
July 2, 2012

The Fifth Annual Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2012. The Society is offering a series of video tips for organizers.

The Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run is a unique national fundraising effort organized nationally  and locally by Councils and Conferences of the Society. It allows community members from all  walks of life across the country to participate in a simultaneous, nationwide event to raise  national awareness of the challenges faced by the nation’s poor and to raise significant funds  for use in direct service to the poor. All funds raised locally will be used locally.

The event has grown each year, attracting over 18,000 walkers, raising over $1.4M with over 1,000 Conferences and Councils participating.

What are the benefits of hosting the Walk/Run?
 The Walk/Run raises funds for direct service to the poor in your community.
 The Walk/Run raises awareness about the challenges faced by the nation’s poor.
 The Walk/Run increases the Society’s national visibility.
 The Walk/Run provides a terrific opportunity to involve members of your parishes and  the general public in helping the poor in your community.
 The Walk/Run helps develop significant public donor participation.
Other things to keep in mind
 The 2011 Walk/Run was held at more than 200 locations around the country, attracted  more than 18,000 participants, and raised more than $1.4 million.
 Everything you need to host a Walk/Run is online at  www.svdpfriendsofthepoorwalk.org.
 There will be national advertising for the Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run.

What should you do?
Invest in your community by hosting a Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run. We know that, as we  work together, we can empower others to make a difference in our efforts to reduce poverty.
For questions about hosting a Walk/Run in your community, please contact Steven Martinez at  (314) 576-3993, ext. 213.

The Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run is a unique fundraising effort organized nationally and locally by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  It allows community members from all walks of life across the country to participate in a simultaneous, nationwide event to raise national awareness of the challenges faced by the nation’s poor and to raise significant funds for use in direct service to the poor.




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