Daughters of Charity at the UN

John Freund, CM
June 19, 2012

Sister Germaine Price, representing the Company of the Daughters of Charity at the United Nations, reports on the international site of the Daughters of Charity  about the following activities in the UN in New York: 

Over the last two decades, there have been many examples of successful sustainable development in such areas as energy, agriculture, and urban planning.

► In Kenya, innovative financing has stimulated new investments inrenewable energy sources, including solar, wind, small hydro, biogas and municipal waste energy, generating income and employment.

► In Uganda, a transition to organic agriculture has generated income for small holder farmers while benefiting the economy, society and the environment.

► In Brazil, a Clean Development Mechanism in Sao Paulo transformed two of the city’s biggest waste dumpsites into sustainable landfills. Between 2004 and 2011, the landfills transformed 352,000 tons of methane into over one million megawatts of electricity.

► In Nepal, community forestry — led by local forest user groups — contributed to restoring forest resources after a steady decline in the 1990s.

► In France, an estimated 90,000 jobs were created in green sectors between 2006 and 2008, mostly in the fields of energy conservation and the development of renewable energy.

► In Haiti, the Côte Sud Initiative is expected to benefit an estimated 205,000 people through therecovery and sustainable development of a severely degraded land area about half the size of Greater London.

For more information on Daughters of Charity at the UN: www.cmdcngo.org>

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1 Comment

  1. Sister Mary Grace Higgins

    Itis impressive to see all the projects throughout the world to help the poor. I made a copy to bringto a meeting between the Ladies of Charity and the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Buffalo New York. We are looking into ways we can colabeate moore fully in our projects for the poor in Buffalo
    Sister MAry Grace Higgins