Sisters of Charity Nazareth celebrate 200 years with re-enactment.

John Freund, CM
June 13, 2012

SCN Bicentennial Event at St. Thomas

Over 130 Sisters and Associates gathered at St. Thomas on Saturday, June 9, 2012 to celebrate the founding of the Congregation. The photo (click to enlarge) reprises picture taken 100 years ago.  Sisters and Associates traveled by bus from Nazareth to St. Thomas, where they were greeted by friends  wearing sunbonnets and bib aprons.  The day began with a re-enactment of the early days of the Congregation and the arrival of the first Sisters, including Catherine Spalding who arrived by horse and buggy.   Those gathered remembered the difficult decision to leave St. Thomas and move to Nazareth because they learned that they could never own the land.  As with the first Sisters, the group gathered for prayer in the Church.  A group photo was taken, similar to a photo that was taken in front of the log house 100 years ago.

Lunch was served.  Some visited the springhouse, remembering the times that the early Sisters went there to draw water.  Everyone enjoyed visiting the renovated log house, which served as home for the Sisters for a time.  At the close of the day, the group returned to Nazareth to dedicate a plaque at the Annunciation Shrine, commemorating the site of the original Lapsley home at Nazareth.

The video montage below captures the spirit of the day.

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