Vincentians offer Social Media Training, Tax Justice bus Tour

John Freund, CM
June 3, 2012

The newsletter of Vincentians in Partnership (VIP) based in Great Britain reports on two interesting initiatives. One is geared to Social media training while the other focuses on consciousness raising.

1. Social media has massive potential for charities – are you making the most of it?

The VIP is running the following practical social media courses:

  • 19th June – Creating your own e-newsletter using mailchimp – London
  • 18th July – Introduction to social media – Newcastle
  • 3rd Sept – Introduction to social media – London
  • 4th Sept – Advanced social media – London

Just £20 for Vincentian organisations or £60 for non-Vincentian partner organisations.

For more details and to book online see the VIP website or get in touch to reserve your place today.

2. Tax Justice Bus Tour 2012
Seven weeks, 50 towns and cities across Britain and Ireland, one goal:
Tax justice for the poorest communities locally and globally

The VIP is a partner in the Close the Gap campaign calling for a Fair Pay, Fair Say, Fair Prices and Fair Taxes. Currently the campaign is focusing on Tax Justice.

This autumn we are supporting the Christian Aid and Church Action on Poverty Tax Justice Bus Tour . The Bus Tour is a great opportunity to build support for Tax Justice via media, politicians, church leaders, campaigners and supporters.

Want to know more or could you host the bus? Download the flyer to find out when it will be in your area and visit the Church Action on Poverty website to register your interest.

Find out more about the issue of tax justice nationally with the Fair Taxes campaign and the internationally with the Trace the Tax campaign.

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