You win some and love some - Vinnies in Australia

John Freund, CM
May 29, 2012

Sometimes things go in favour of Vinnies and their work, but sometimes not ! writes the Australian CM site.

“The two stories below, recently published in the media on May 28, illustrate this:

“Who said there was no competition between the big four banks? The chief executive of the Commonwealth Bank, Ian Narev, will now have to make space on the cold concrete of the former Eveleigh railway yards one night next month after his Westpac counterpart, Gail Kelly, signed up for the St Vincent de Paul Society’s CEO Sleepout. Kelly said it was ”disturbing” that 34,000 people under 18 were homeless in Australia. Among the other millionaires to sign up recently for the June 21 charity event (which aims to raise $5 million nationally for the society) is the federal MP for Wentworth, Malcolm Turnbull. …… ”

See: Kelly joins Narev in sleeping out, (Sydney Morning Herald, 28/5/12)

Then there is:this one:

“An Auburn St (Goulburn NSW) business owner says he will not be supporting St Vincent de Paul’s bid for permanent operations at its homeless men’s hostel. The charitable organisation has lodged the development application with Council, following the end of its two-year trial. Councillors imposed the trial in August 2009 as a condition of approval, given controversy over the Market St location. But Something Special gift shop owner Rob Micallef says questionable behaviour and other worrying incidents are still occurring at the nearby 40-bed hostel. He would not go into detail, and said he’d given up logging complaints with management. “My argument is that it is not appropriate for this location or Goulburn,” he said……….

See Homeless Hostel’s Fight, (Goulburn Post, 28/5/12)

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