Living Mindfully in a social media world

John Freund, CM
May 24, 2012

Noted social media guru Beth Kanter writes of Howard Rheingold’s latest book Net Smart  “If you are going to purchase one book about using social media, this is the one to read.  It’s for people who want to go deeper and get practical know how, improved productivity, and integrate physical and virtual lives.

What I like most about this book is that isn’t rant against social media and how it is destroying our lives.   Instead, Rheingold is telling us that networks and social media aren’t a fad that will go away, and that we need to put into practice intelligent ways of using it in our lives and work.   He emphasizes that living mindfully in cyberspace is as important to us as civilization itself.    Mindfully is defined as not just going in to auto pilot to update your FB status, but to consciously think about all aspects of our digital actions.   He also suggests that making use of social media and other online tools without getting hit with information overload is the essential secret to success in the 21st century.

The book covers five digital literacies – each starting with an illustration by Anthony Weeks that graphically communicates the key points.   They include:  attention, crap detection, collaboration, networks, and participation…

Visit Beth’s blog for the full review.


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