A Grandfather describes impact of VinMore Mobil Outreach event

John Freund, CM
May 21, 2012

Jeff writes… “Just wanted to let you know that I viewed the May 5 “on-line Virtual Meeting gathering”.  I recently purchased a smart phone and am gradually becoming more familiar with it thanks to my two grandchildren.  I actually watched part of the May 5 event on my smart phone when I had to be away from by home computer.

“I think having my new phone will be quite helpful in doing home visits.  Often questions come up that require looking something up on the internet.  Having this capability will help provide rapid info to a Client while I am still in their home.  In my conference we have a web-based Client data base.  If I need to find some information on this data base when I am out on a home visit, I will be able to do it from my phone.  An example would be to check an address or phone number of a Client.  These sorts of items are examples of how we can become more efficient and effective in our Home Visits.

“While at the Mid-year meeting, I heard a great story about how help was provided to a family that had lost many belongings in a fire.  A member of the Conference that was helping the family contacted a local youth group, and that group started working their phones and rounded up a huge number of items for the family in a short time.

“We are probably just touching the surface of all the possible applications.  I think as more people start thinking about this and discussing it, more ideas will start emerging.

“The Virtual Meeting was a tremendous event and I am looking forward to the next one.

You can watch the recording



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