Mini Vinnies - Big Hearts

John Freund, CM
May 18, 2012

Young children from All Hallows School in Five Dock (Inner West Sydney, Australia) are spreading warmth for winter, in a knitting project to benefit the homeless.

The students are part of the Mini Vinnies group which has been operating for just on a year, and are finishing off knitted squares for 100 knitted scarves.

Mini Vinnies – a program of the St Vincent de Paul Society – lets people help those in need from a young age.

All Hallows Mini Vinnies co-ordinator Carmen Polifrone said there was real enthusiasm for the group which meets on Tuesdays.

“They are learning that there are others who don’t have as much as them and that some people are marginalised,” Mrs Polifrone said…

For more background on tthe mini Vinnies and what they do visit


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1 Comment

  1. Therese

    Five Dock is a suburb in the inner west of Sydney