SVDP Advocacy Alert regarding repeal of Social Services Block Grant!

John Freund, CM
May 4, 2012

Sheila Gilbert, National SVDP President  makes an appeal to oppose the proposal to permanently repeal block grants.

Dear Vincentians,

The U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means has proposed repealing funding for the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). These funds help provide services to the disabled, the homeless, the elderly, victims of abuse, and other marginalized members of our community ― in other words, the very people we serve every day.  The House Committee on the Budget will vote on a proposal to eliminate funding for the Social Services Block Grant.  And that’s why I’m asking you once again to add your voice and speak up on behalf of these programs.

In case you’re not aware, SSBG is a flexible federal funding source that allows states, local governments and non-profit organizations to support and supplement programs and services on the local level for vulnerable children, youth, the elderly and people with disabilities. States have a long history of cooperation with community and faith-based organizations in the allocation of SSBG funds.

Among those receiving critical assistance from SSBG-funded programs are:

  •  Children: Agencies use SSBG funds to provide child care to low-income families; foster care support services; and prevention and protective services for neglected and abused children;
  • Youth: SSBG funds supplement local efforts with expecting and parenting teens, drug counseling for troubled youth, and special services for youth involved in or at risk of involvement with criminal activity; and
  • Elderly: Many local agencies rely heavily on SSBG funds to support Meals on Wheels programs that address both nutrition and isolation issues for frail elderly persons; transportation services for persons who also need assistance with getting to the grocery store, doctor’s office, or church; adult day care; and emergency shelter and assistance for victims of elder abuse.

Click on the “Action Alert” and you’ll be taken to a draft letter that you can send to your representative to urge that he/she oppose the permanent repeal of funding for the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG).

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