VIP - Vincentians in Partnership Newsletter

John Freund, CM
April 30, 2012

The Vincentians in Partnership Newsletter for April 2012 in now available. It represents and presents the activities of the various Vincentian groups that come under its umbrella. And there is lots going on.

Poverty, Politics and Justice Days

Thank you to the 70 people who came to the LACE Centre in Liverpool on Saturday for an inspirational andinformative day learning and sharing about justice issues at our joint justice day with Liverpool Justice and Peace group.

Our next ‘Poverty, Politics and Justice’ day is in St Wilfrid’s Centre, Sheffield on Saturday 30th June. Speakers include Kevin Bradley from St Wilfrid’s Centre, Daniel Wood from the Parliamentary Outreach Team, Close the Gap campaign and Rhodelyn Cortez and Paula Duffy from Depaul UK.

Just £10 including lunch.

For more details and to book please see the VIP website

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Close the Gap campaign

Have you joined the campaign to Close the Gap yet?

If we GiveAct and Pray together, we can build a more equal society. Happier. HealthierSaferFairer.

Church Action on Poverty have launched a new freepublication where prominent Christians explain the urgency of Closing the Gap between rich and poor. Clickhere to download and read it.

Please make your own pledge to Close the Gap TODAY and help spread the word about the campaign.

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Vincentian Mobile Outreach Revolution

The VIP is supporting the new Vincentian Mobile Outreach Revolution (vinMORE) project, a six-week programme of conversation for the worldwide Vincentian Family, with and about mobile devices, in service to those who are marginalized.For details check out the VinMORE website

Please join in the conversation and share your thoughts!

Join the Vincentian Family Virtual Gathering on 5th May. For details see Famvin

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Sheila McKechnie Foundation Campaigner Awards 2012 – Apply Now!

Are you speaking out andtaking action on issues that matter? Or, does this sound like someone you know? Apply now and you could win a Sheila McKechnie Foundation Campaigner Award, which will equip you with the right skills to become a more effective campaigner.

The award categories are;
Take Action (aged 60+), Environment, London Social Justice, Shout Out! (aged 14-18), and Transport.

It is free to apply and all costs relating to participation in the programme will be covered by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation.

For further information about the awards programme,

If you would like to nominate someone for an award or would like to talk to us about the awards programme, please contact Aura on 020 7697 4044

Deadline for applications is 1pm on Monday 18th June 2012.

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Social Media Training

Social media has massive potential for charities – are you making the most of it?

The VIP is running the following practical social media courses:
19th June – Creating your own e-newsletter using mailchimp – London
3rd Sept – Introduction to social media – London
4th Sept – Advanced social media – London

Just £20 for Vincentian organisations or £60 for non-Vincentian partner organisations.

Interested in the VIP running training courses in your area? Then get in touch to discuss.

Bespoke courses tailored to your organisation also available, get in touch to discuss.

For more details see the VIP website or get in touch for more information and to reserve your place today.

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‘Making it Matter’ Report

The report ‘Making It Matter: Improving the Health of Young Homeless People’ was launched in Parliament on April 18 by Depaul UK, in partnership with AstraZeneca.

The research shows that young homeless people experience significantly poorer health than their peers, aremore likely to use emergency health services and face considerable barriers in accessing the care they need.

The findings will be used to develop interventions to improve physical and mental health and will also help inform current policy and practice.

For more details and to read the report please see the Depaul UK website.

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Tackling Youth Unemployment Workshop – 16th May

Church Urban Fund and Frontier Youth Trust are running a free workshop on 16th May at Hinde Street Methodist Church to inspire and equip churches and faith-based groups to support young people struggling with unemployment.

You will have the chance to listen and ask questions to experienced practitioners who are involved in a wide range of projects tackling youth unemployment. The workshop is aimed at people who want to do something to respond to youth unemployment in their local area.

For more details and to sign up to this free event please click here

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Housing Justice Annual Conference -13th June, Sheffield

Busting the myths.

We cannot afford more social housing! Britain is full! There is not enough land! Many homeless people prefer life on the streets!

Living in a land of plenty without a secure place to call home is one of the greatest struggles an individual or family can face. So why doesn’t housing get the public priority it deserves? Why are we building less housing now than at any time since the 1920s?

Come and engage in this vital discussion with Housing Justice, and our network of churches, housing and homelessness initiatives on 13th June in Sheffield.

Download the programme and booking form from theHousing Justice website

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Get in touch!

We would love to hear from YOU!

What do you think of the e-newsletter – how could it be improved?

What justice work are you involved in?

Why not drop us an email today with your feedback and news?

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