Vincentian Academy 80 Years

John Freund, CM
April 30, 2012

Vincentian Academy celebrates 80 years of history this year. We remember that we are connected to a world-wide ministry of providing education to thousands of young people so that they can develop to their fullest potential.

St. Vincent de Paul, patron of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, and for whom the school is named reminded the Daughters of Charity in 17th century France that, “Grace has its moments.” This moment of grace celebrating 80 years of educational excellence at Vincentian Academy is one of many graced moments in the 200 year history of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.

We indeed hold a precious legacy as we stand on the shoulders of giants. We remember the first Vincentian Sisters of Charity who arrived in the U. S. to provide education to the Slovak immigrants in Braddock. After their long journey they arrived there only to find that the housing promised them had not been arranged. They spent their first nights with the Sisters of Mercy.

View the video on Vimeo here.

We remember the first Sisters of Charity of Nazareth who began their community at St. Thomas, Kentucky in a log cabin.

These early Sisters did not let circumstances keep them from their commitment to provide education to those in need. Little did they imagine that their beginning ministries would evolve into a worldwide mission. They planted the seeds and we continue to reap the harvest. As we walk in their footsteps we are inspired to continue this mission in our time.

Ephesians 5:20 calls us to “Give thanks to God always and for everything.” Knowing that without God we could do nothing, let us give thanks for these 80 years of ministry at Vincentian Academy and for God’s continued blessing on our future.

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