SVDP USA issues legislative alert on Farm Bill

John Freund, CM
April 25, 2012

Tell Your Senators to Support the Farm Bill…
Every five years, the U.S. Congress decides how our federal government will help feed hungry people here at home and overseas, support growth in U.S. rural communities, assist farmers, and promote environmental conservation. The legislation that includes all of these important objectives and many more is called the “Farm Bill.” It needs to be renewed before the current version expires at the end of September 2012. The Senate is expected to introduce its version of the Farm Bill soon. Your voice is needed now to make sure that the new Farm Bill feeds the hungry, preserves God’s creation, and supports small family farmers and rural America.

Our faith as Catholics and as Vincentians is deeply rooted in the principles of this debate. As Catholics, we believe that each person’s life is a sacred gift from God and must be protected. Since food is required to sustain life, the Church teaches that it is a basic right for all people. We believe that must support those who grow our food in their times of need, to care for God’s creation, and ensure our brothers and sisters who are poor and hungry have access to nutritious food.

Many of our conferences and councils have been serving rural people and their communities for many decades. And, we are also aware how the Fam Bill affects those who are hungry, living in poverty, and struggling to keep farming a viable way of life.

Please join me in our request to the Senate to put hungry people first, to support small family farms and poor farmers here at home and overseas, and to promote environmental conservation.

Your voice is powerful and can make change happen.

Yours in Blessed Frédéric Ozanam and St. Vincent de Paul,

Sheila Gilbert

National President

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