Books Vincent read or recommended

John Freund, CM
April 9, 2012

Father Ed Udovic’s  current post about books St. VIncent would know  features background on his rule for the first Ladies of Charity.

St. Vincent’s reading list is a recurring blog exploring texts known to have been ready and recommended by Saint Vincent de Paul, those which can be presumed to have been read by him, and works published during his lifetime (1581-1660) illustrating his world. All materials discussed are held by DePaul University’s Richardson Library.

“Vincent de Paul’s vision of service to the poor revolved around organized parish-based efforts (the Confraternities of Charity), institutional efforts (i.e., Hôtel Dieu in Paris), and emergency relief efforts (i.e., relief of the war-torn provinces). The organizational boundaries between these efforts were rather experimental and porous. What characterized them all, however, was the leadership role played by lay women, especially the Ladies of Charity and the Daughters of Charity.

“In each case, Vincent required a written “rule” to be initially tested and proved by concrete experiences. Vincent was careful to ensure that his methodology was not simply adopted by these organizations, but also the faith, values, and attitudes required of those who would serve Jesus Christ in the poor.

“Volume 13b of the English translation of St. Vincent’s Correspondance, Conferences, Documents (originally edited by Pierre Coste, C.M.)contains numerous examples of these early rules for the Confraternities of Charity and the Ladies of Charity finishing with the rule for the Ladies of Charity of Hôtel Dieu completed by Vincent shortly before his death in 1660.

“The Reglemens de la Compagnie des Dames de la Charité de la Paroisse de S. PaulorRules of the Company of the Ladies of Charity of the Parish of St. Paul, was written in 1669 and is one of the earliest known printed rules for the Ladies of Charity. The document is a fascinating testament to the maturity and sophistication of the identity, organization and ministry of the Ladies of Charity, who served the spiritual and material needs of poor people in an urban,  parish-based setting. The Church of St. Paul, located on the rue Saint-Antoine in the Marais district of Paris, was a Jesuit church. The Daughters of Charity had been sent by Louise de Marillac to minister in this parish, and the Reglemens delineates the working relationship between the Ladies and Sisters. The leadership roles of the pastor and the officers of the Ladies are also carefully delineated.

“Since the Reglemens is reflective of concrete experiences, it gives a fascinating insight into the lives of the Parisian poor, whom the text describes as “lovable and precious representations of the holy humanity of Christ himself.” Thus, the Ladies of Charity are reminded to always “regarder Jesus Christ dans les Pauvres, & les Pauvres comme membres de Jesus Christ.”1

Saint Vincent de Paul / Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, XIIIa / Documents Volume 1, Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.

Saint Vincent de Paul / Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, XIIIb / Documents Volume 2, Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.

Saint Vincent de Paul / Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, I-XIII, Vincent de Paul and Pierre Coste C.M.


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