Joint canonization of Frederic and Rosalie?

John Freund, CM
March 11, 2012

The Daughters of Charity (DC) and the  Confederation of SSVP( SOCIETY) are  considering the possibility of a joint cause  for the canonisation of Blessed Sister  Rosalie Rendu and Blessed Frederic  Ozanam. An initial and exploratory  discussion was held between the DC and  the SOCIETY on 8 March 2012 at the  Motherhouse of the DC at rue du Bac,  Paris. Dr. Michael Thio, President General  and Amin de Tarrazi, Chairman of the SOCIETY’s Canonisation Commission(past 12th President General) met with Sister Rosa Maria Miro, Assistant  Superior General, and Sister Francoise Petit of the DC. This possibility could be  considered and of course much is dependent on the requirements to meet the  conditions of the cause. The willingness and the spirit were present in the DC and the  SOCIETY to consider this further and subsequent discussions would follow to reflect on
the next steps.
All Vincentians are urged to pray for this joint approach and seek the enlightenment and guidance of the Holy Spirit towards this cause. This is the beginning and like  Blessed Frederic and the early founders – Let us Dare to Dream Dreams.
Dr. Michael Thio, President General


In the words of the liturgy “It is right and just!”

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