I never thought of Jesus with a cell phone!

John Freund, CM
March 5, 2012

This picture from a church site in England got me thinking.

Would Jesus use a mobile phone? What about Vincent, Louise, Frederic, or Elizabeth?  They all used the tools of their time.
St. Vincent wrote some 30,000 letters! Imagine if he texted! I suspect he would be using a cell phone big time!
But how? Would he have figured out a way to use it to serve the marginalized better?

A group of “Trailblazers” has been exploring how to use cell phones in ministry and would like to expand the conversation.
More information in a few days.
“Like” this post if you are interested learning more about the MO or “mobile opportunities” for ministry.

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  1. Georgia Hedrick

    Jesus with a cell phone! Now there’s a concept! What a great way to contact the 12 or to call home to Mom! To walk from Jerusalem to Nazareth was a good 60 miles–I used the legend on the map of ancient Israel to measure the distance. I like this! gh

  2. Larry Huber

    I think the long journey would have been spent speaking with his disciples directly, discussing all that they had seen and heard, why it happened, where they would go next and why. I like Richard Kriegbaum’s perspective that his whole ministry was building relationships that would last, through all the hellish times that would take place later.
    Jesus might have used the phone just to say “I’ll be there in a little while and we’ll talk then.”