Daughters of Charity in the background - literally!

Famvin Media Resources
February 23, 2012

A challenge – For those who have Facebook accounts click on the 57 second interview of Adrienne Curry  from the recent Catholic Social Ministry Gathering. Pay attention not only to the important content of the video but also see if you can recognize the Daughters of Charity in the background. There are at least two… maybe more. You may have to scroll down the page a bit by the time you read this. http://www.facebook.com/CatholicSocialMinistry (See direct link for an enlarged version)

Shout out the names by clicking on the comment link to this post. No duplicate prizes will be awarded… not even any prize for that mater! But you will be quizzed on what Adrienne had to say!


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1 Comment

  1. yolanda Sett

    Sisters of Charity and Fathers of the Mission are celebrating the 150 annniversary of their first arrival to Central America