Vincentian Family collaborations around the globe

John Freund, CM
February 3, 2012

The International SVDP site lists its collaborations with the Vincentian Family by continent. They hope this compilation will encourage others to seek opportunities for collaboration. They also ask the list be updated. (See below for a list of collaboration in Systemic Change in North America)


ETHIOPIA : SSVP working with Daughters of Charity and the Congregation of the Missions and have identified joint projects for action:- Emergency need in Alitena, Northern Ethiopia to relieve the effects of drought.

  • A school for poor children in Addis Ababa run by D.C.
  • Leprosy people in Ambo, 115 kilometres from Addis Ababa.
  • Helping people displaced from Harar in East Ethiopia to Westwelega Region.
  • SSSVP’s CIAD (Commission for International Aid and Development) have sanctioned grants totalling €150,000, to be distributed through Daughters of Charity and through the Irish Charity, Trocaire.


LEBANON : SSVP working with Lazarist Fathers, Daughters of Charity and other  organisations to respond to emergencies and to avoid duplication.


USA/CANADA. Vincentian Family held a group meeting in October 2011 and considered 4 future joint actions:

1 – Engage in advocacy and actions to address the root causes of poverty.

2—Meet at least once a year to promote collaborative efforts.

3 – Prepare a proposal for the formation and operation of a new collaborative group.

4 – Document the origin, history and accomplishments of the group.

In addition, the meeting made a commitment to the ongoing education of members, including an analysis of current ministries.

HAITI :- Vincentian Family hold monthly meetings & jointly celebrate feastdays.

Have a joint project for small & medium enterprises to generate employment under a management committee led by the CM., through whom SSVP’s CIAD have already donated €50,000 and have a further €50,000 available.


  • INDIA : Families meet in February each year and submit reports on their activities. Also, work together locally in major projects and at times of disaster.
  • PHILIPPINES : Vincentian family have regular meetings and work together in Housing projects.
  • THAILAND: Working together for the past two years in hospital visitation, education/training for children and helping the poor financially.



  • ENGLAND & WALES : VIP ( Vincentians in Partnership) are active, led by the Daughters of Charity. All family members contribute financially.  Central Councils are encouraged to contact the groups nearest to them.
    • Partners in VIP. Have a goal in a 5 year strategic plan to develop partnerships with other organisations.
    • Good working relationship with Vincentian Family members – common spiritual advisors, joint pilgrimages, collaboration in management projects including the management of SSVP Hostels by De Paul International.  Since 1966, SSVP have collaborated with Vincentian Fathers and Daughters in  “Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice” which is very active in promoting a Vincentian response to social justice issues. Activities include some well-respected  research on income adequacy for social welfare recipients, a voter education  programme, awareness-raising events and publications on justice issues.
  • BELGIUM :Vincentian Family have a working group, chaired by a Vincentian Father,  meeting every two months.
  • ITALY : 33 of the 81 SSVP Councils have relationship with other Vincentians.
  • SPAIN: Good co-operation within the Vincentian family, with the Daughters of Charity working alongside the SSVP.
  • SLOVENIA: SSVP works regularly with the Daughters of Charity.
  • MACEDONIA : SSVP works regularly with Daughters of Charity and Lazarist Fathers.

 Vincentian Family Collaborations for Systemic Change in North America – More 40 listed alphabetically or according to ministry

Of course there are many more instance of collaboration in the Vincentian Family. The above focus on Systemic Change.

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