Society of St. VIncent de Paul outreach to youth

John Freund, CM
January 12, 2012

Society of St. Vincent de Paul is reaching out to youth and young adults via websites dedicated specifically to them. (Link no longer active)

Sr. Christian Price, ASCJ is the USA National Director of Youth and Young Adult Development and Melissa Gibilaro serves as National Chairperson of Youth and Young Adults and the Youth and Young Adult Committee. The committee is made up of a Youth and Young Adult Representative from each Region.

Attracting young people into the Society is not a new issue. Frédéric Ozanam and some of their past Presidents General addressed the involvement of young people almost from the beginning.

  • In a circular letter dated November, 1851, Aldophe Baudon the third President General addressed the need to welcome youth.
  • Frédéric Ozanam in a letter dated June, 1953, stated, “[young people] will take fire at the work, and will pass on their heat to places where no conferences yet exist, or they will rekindle the warmth of those that are already in existence.”
  • Jose Ramon Diaz-Torremocha, our former President General stated in a circular letter dated June 30, 2002 that “we must carry on the process of Vincentian regeneration within all Conferences…This is a permanent process that has a beginning but no end.”
  • Dr. Michael Thio, who participated in the International Vincentian Youth Meeting in Madrid in August, 2011.  In his inaugural address, he highlighted some key areas of focus for youth and young adults. He said, “The youth of today are our leaders of tomorrow”. He also stated, “They bring vitality, ideas and enrichment to the Society and provide sources of future leadership…” Lastly when speaking to our present Vincentians, he says, “We would strongly urge and encourage Conferences and Councils to give special emphasis on recruitment of young people and the provision of effective and sustainable formation and development of our youth.”



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