Visions of Change 2012

John Freund, CM
January 2, 2012

A short clip of a 6 year old sharing her concept of a community she will have when she grows up, based on Gift Economy. Listen to her, it is her generation that will see the world operate this way, after all! (Click the picture to play)  It is from the children that we will about the world to come, for they, as Khalil Gibran says, “live in the house of tomorrow”

And if you like it, share as much as you can.
There are a million hits on a clip of a 6 year old singing “If I Die Young”… Help this one get a million hits, too, if you enjoy its message of life.

“And a child shall lead you…”


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  1. georgia hedrick

    Here is a child with a vision of tomorrow that the whole world needs to share in!

    I love it! gh

  2. Sr. Mary Catheirne Warehime

    I love how she is clear about not wanting to be out of her head, but out of her heart. What a great message for the new year.