Vincentian Priest named to Board of Concilium

John Freund, CM
November 23, 2011

Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, C.M., a Vincentian priest from the Province of the Philippines, has been appointed to a four-year term on the board of the prestigious theological journal, Concilium. The appointment was recently announced by Dr. Felix Wilfred, Editor of Concilium in a letter to Fr. Pilario, who currently serves as Dean of St. Vincent’s School of Theology in Quezon City, Philippines. Fr. Pilario was ordained in 1989, and has served in various pastoral, educational, and seminary formation apostolates of his province.

Fr. Pilario was educated at schools in the Philippines and in Europe, obtaining both his licentiate (STL) and doctorate (STD) in Sacred Theology from Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium. Since 1997, he has authored twenty-five referenced articles in various academic and ecclesial journals. Fr. Pilario is a founding member of DAKATEO, The Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines, where he served as president and a member of the board.

Fr. G. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission said, “This is wonderful news, both for the Province of the Philippines and the Congregation of the Mission. I am sure Fr. Daniel will be a fine addition to the Concilium Board, as he continues to make outstanding contributions to Church and the Province of the Philippines.”

According to its website, Concilium describes itself as “a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological thinking. Past contributors include leading Catholic scholars such as Hans Küng, Gregory Baum and Edward Schillebeeckx. Editors of the review belong to the international who’s who in the world of contemporary theology. Published five times a year, each issue reflects a deep knowledge and scholarship presented in a highly readable style, and each issue offers a wide variety of viewpoints from leading thinkers from all over the world.”

8 major research projects from 1997- 2011, some of which are ongoing.

Over 25 referenced journal articles in academic and ecclesial journals

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