Vincent's Recipe for Solidarity, Justice and Organization

John Freund, CM
November 16, 2011

” The  heart of practicing  the Christian virtue of charity  lies in  its intimate and  necessary  relationship   to both  justice and  organization. A relationship exemplified  in the example  of St. Vincent  de Paul and  the communities he inspired.  In Vincent, we find a concrete  historical  model for how we can develop  solidarity  in  our  parishes, diocese, and national and global communities. Charity and  daily  concern  for  the  poor  is the  heart  of  the Vincentian charism.” Meghan Clark develops this theme beautifully in “Vincent’s Recipe for Solidarity.Justice and Organizatione

This article originally appeared in Catechetical Leader (22:5). Reprinted with permission of Catechetical Leader. For more information, please visit


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