Systemic change projects - where in North America?

John Freund, CM
November 14, 2011

The recent gathering of the Vincentian Family explored practical approaches for going beyond the mantra of “Systemic change.” As a service the Vincentian Family Collaborators  have compiled a beginning database of Vincentian Family sponsored  systemic change projects that are already up and running. Many thanks to MaryANn Dantuono for all the work involved in this.

Systemic Change Projects (North America)

[Go to Alphabetical Index]

Collaboration & Advocacy

Middle Georgia Alliance to End Regional Trafficking
DC Coalition against Human Trafficking
Life Way Network
The Bridge

Community Organizing and Development

Tierra Madre Sustainable Community
Rebuild Center at St. Joseph’s Church
Salt and Light
Working in Neighborhoods (WIN)

Criminal Justice/Diversion

Let’s Start Video
Roarke Center
Veronica’s Voice

Direct Assistance and Advocacy

Bridging the Gap
Charity Federation Maritime Project
Faith Works


Family Advancement Ministries
St. Vincent de Paul Adult Learning Center
Up Loft & First Step
Waitt House (We’re all in this Together)
Proyecto Beca
Cristo Rey Schools
NativityMiguel Schools


Banking for the Poor (Payday Lending)
G.L.O.B.E. (Microfinance)
Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (Investments)
Zafèn (Microfinance)
UPLIFT (Financial Assistance and Counseling)

Health Care

De Paul Center


Asian Center of Merrimack Valley
Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Project

Legislative Network

Pursuing Justice
Voice of the Poor


Josephine’s Place
Keeler Women’s Center
Women’s Connection
Maura Clark-Ita Ford Center

Youth Development

Inn Dwelling Comprehensive Youth Program
March for Life
Monthly Encounters
Operation Overhaul
Urban Rangers

Alphabetical List of Systemic Change Projects

[Back to Category Listing]

Asian Center of Merrimack Valley MA Lawrence Immigrants
Banking for the Poor (Payday lending) Il Belleville Finance
Bridging the Gap NY Ogdensburg DS & Adv.
Charity Federation Maritime Project Canada DS & Adv.
Cristo Rey Schools Il, Chicago Education (Youth)
DC Coalition Against Human Trafficking Paris/NY Collaboration & Adv
DePaul Center NJ, Patterson Health Care
Faith Works IA, Waterloo DS & Adv.
Family Advancement Ministry (FAM) GA Macon Education (Adult)
Global Loan Opportunities for Budding
Entrepreneurs {G.L.O.B.E.}
NY Finance
Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Project MO Immigrants
Inn Dwelling Comprehensive Youth Program PA Philadelphia Youth Development
Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) NY Finance
Josephine’s Place NJ Elizabeth Women
Keeler Women’s Center KS Women
Let’s Start MO St. Louis Criminal Justice
Life Way Network NY Rego Park Collaboration & Adv & DS
March for Life MO Youth Development
Maura Clark-Ita Ford Center NY Brooklyn Women
Middle Georgia Alliance to End Regional Trafficking GA Macon Collaboration & Adv
Monthly Encounters MO Youth Development
NativityMiguel Schools Washington DC Education (Youth)
Operation Overhaul MO Youth Development
Proyecto Beca TX/Honduras Education (Scholarships)
Pursuing Justice NY Ogdensburg Legislative Network
Rebuild Center at St. Joseph’s Church LA New Orleans Community Organizing & DS & Development
Roarke Center NY Troy Criminal Justice/Diversion
Salt & Life AK Community Organizing & DS & Development
St. Vincent de Paul Adult Learning Center LA New Orleans Education (Adult)
The Bridge TX, Dallas Collaboration & Adv & DS
Tierra Madre Community NM Sunland Park Community Organizing & Development
Up Loft & First Step FL Orlando Education (Adult)
UPLIFT NY Rockville Center Financial Assistance and Budget Counseling
Urban Rangers MO Youth Development
Veronica’s Voice KS Criminal Justice
Voice of the Poor USA Legislative Network
Waitt House (We’re all in this Together) MA Roxbury Education (Adult)
Women’s Connection OH Women
Working in Neighborhoods (WIN) OH Community Organizing and Education (Adult)
Zafèn Haiti Finance







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