National President of SSVDP asks backing for "charitable deductions"

John Freund, CM
November 10, 2011

Dear Vincentians,

I’ve come to you several times in the last few days to ask you to make your voice heard on some current issues that will affect the work we do and the people we serve.  Please allow me to ask your involvement one more time:

The Super Committee of the House and Senate is considering cuts in the federal budget that would drastically reduce or eliminate the incentive for charitable donations. Currently, federal tax law encourages individuals to help charitable organizations whose missions they support by providing an itemized deduction on their annual tax return.  This incentive enables the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, as well as thousands of other reputable nonprofits, to raise the resources needed to improve lives and move people out of poverty.

Please hit the “Take Action” tab  and send the letter to your Senators and Congressional representatives.

Yours in St. Vincent and Blessed Frédéric,

Sheila K. Gilbert

National President

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