Wanted! Lobbyists for those who sit outside the banquet of Lazarus

John Freund, CM
November 3, 2011

With powerful lobbies spending enormous sums to ensure that the industries they represent are heard it is more important than ever to ask who is lobbying for the least among us? With everyone clamoring for a voice at the tables of power who notices the Dives languishing at the foot of Lazarus’ table?

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul!

Where injustice, inequality, poverty or exclusion are due to unjust economic, political or social structures, or inadequate or unjust legislation, the Society should speak out clearly against the situation, always with charity, with the aim of contributing to and demanding improvements. The Rule of the Society, part 1, section 7.6.

From time to time famvin reposts requests from the leadership of the St. VIncent dePaul Society to give voice to those who are not heard in the corridors of power.

Make Your Voice Count

Capwiz™ is an online tool that allows quick and easy communications of issues important to the Society. When an “Action Alert” is received by email, you simply respond and the message is routed directly to your elected officials in Washington, DC.  If you have access to the internet, you can use Capwiz™. When there is an issue of importance to the Society, approved by our National President, a “take action” email is automatically sent by the SVdP National Office to those who are enrolled. You can send an immediate reply to your legislators – no postage stamps needed!

Follow the simple steps in the email alert and in less than five minutes you will be able to send a note expressing the local situation and what is needed. There is a general letter that you can personally tailor if you wish. Take a few minutes now to enroll in Capwiz™ and make
contacting your elected officials a breeze. Information at Your Fingertips.

Knowledge is power.

Capwiz™ provides important information at your finger tips. Right under the red email sign up banner there is another banner in red that says, Click Here for the Voice of the Poor Capwiz™ Advocacy Page. Click on this banner to locate your elected officials, learn about current legislation, key votes, and Capitol Hill basics. Take a look at the US House and Senate schedules for the day and Committee hearings. Use the Capwiz™ advocacy page to see how US Senators and Representatives voted on bills of concern to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Become a Virtual Voice of the Poor AdvocateCapwiz™

Sign Up is as Easy as 1-2-3!
1. Go to the SVDP National website at www.svdpusa.org (click on this link).
2. Press on the Voice of the Poor bar that runs along the top of the front page.
3. Click on the red banner that says: Click here to get on the Voice of the Poor Capwiz™ Email List. Follow the directions and you will be signed up in a jiffy. You will be receiving just a few “Take Action” alerts in a year, not regularly, but as
Invite Others to Join

Supporters of the works of the Society as well as those we serve are also invited to participate. If you would like to personally invite your friends to join the SVdP Capwiz™ action alert list, scroll to the bottom of the Capwiz™ page and click on “Tell A Friend.” Fill out the form and
click “Send Now.” Your friend will receive an email invitation to join

Together, let us speak for those who have no voice to make a difference. The goal is that at least 10% of our membership, around 12,600 members, signs up for Capwiz™ action alerts.

Please spread the word in your Conference and Council. Let us take action together to meet and exceed the goal.

SVDP 9/10
“With an organized voice, just think of the potential that is there to “make use of that power of the public word”(1) to encircle the world in a network of charity and justice.”

Reference: (1) Dirvin, J. Frederic Ozanam, A Life in Letters. Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1986, p. 357

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