Vincentian Marian Youth - Do we dare to live the Gospel?

John Freund, CM
October 30, 2011

“Do we dare live the gospel in a more radical manner? asks the lead story in the October Bulletin (JMV Oct2011 ENG) of the VIncentian Marian Youth.

“As a result of this encounter with Christ, we live out our faith and we reveal to the world that there is a great value in being a Christian, that there is a great value in following Jesus Christ. We are missionaries and we are called to continue to live out the missionary element of our Association.


Our witness as young women and men of the Vincentian Marian Youth Association is to live the gospel in such a way that we become agents of change in the world. Yes, we are called to fill the world with love.


We are grounded in faith: do we dare live the gospel in a more radical manner? We are many people, but we also need many more people. Become a part of this chain. This is your opportunity!

Of special interest –


Some of the activities that have been accomplished since January 2010 are the following: seminars and workshops on the theory and practice of systemic change for different groups of people, Vincent de Paul National Awards, the inclusion in the curriculum of a course on Vincentian Heritage which is offered to the undergraduate and graduate students, Vincentian formation offered to the staff at the university, formulation of plans with members of the communities that have been adopted by the University.

Besides the formation that is provided we high highlight here some specific projects of systemic change in our country: SV Sudz – production of a soup for laundry usage, Padyak – distribution of tricycles, Bigasan – centers for the retail sale of rice which is meant to assist those people who live along the railroad line and who have been relocated far from the metropolitan area of Manila..

In November 2009 ten representatives of the different branches of the Vincentian Family of the Philippines participated in a Continental Meeting of the Vincentian Family in Asia and Oceania. This meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand.

When this group returned to the Philippines we met to discuss how we might best respond to this new call. Among the individuals most enthusiastic and dedicated to

promoting the process of systemic change in this country are the students, administration and staff at Adamson University. This University is a Catholic andVincentian institution of higher education and is administered by the Congregation of the Mission. Under the leadership of Father Gregorio L. Bañaga, Jr., CM, President of the University, the dissemination and the practice of the theory of systemic change has become a priority at the University.

Two offices directly under the President, the Office of Vincentian Identity and Mission (OVIM) and the Office of Vincentian Services for an Integrated Community (ICES) have as their task the promotion of this initiative.

Pamela B. Mantuhac

Director of the Office of Vincentian Identity and Mission

(Former Volunteer of the VMY International Secretariat)

The rest of of issue tour of the world through the world through the eyes of the various national groups, reflects on the experience of Madrid,



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