Building Bridges Out of Poverty - Day 1

John Freund, CM
October 22, 2011

Approximately 150 members of the Vincentian Family from the United States and Canada have gathered for three days of exploring the theme of Building Bridges Out of Poverty. Jodi Pfarr wrapped a wealth of insight with large doses of humor that had participants looking not only at the people we serve but at ourselves. At the end of the day she received a standing ovation!

Bridges Out of Poverty is a starting point where one can develop accurate mental models of poverty, middle class, and wealth. She presented the hidden rules of each group which prevent understanding and real collaboration and progress. It is a new lens through which all can view themselves, their clients, and the community. People from all economic classes need to come together to improve job retention rates, build resources, improve outcomes, and support those who are moving out of poverty. A book and many practical resources unpack various aspects of the approach .

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