Impression from the Ladies of Charity National Assembly

John Freund, CM
October 7, 2011

Lucky Van De Gejuchte writes , “The Ladies of Charity of Metropolitan Kansas City gave us an Assembly we will all remember.  The theme, “Embrace It – Drive It – Change It” was reflected by the speakers, workshops and round table discussions.  It was very nice to have a personal Welcome by The Honorable Sylvester James, Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri.

Our guest speakers and their topics were; Frs. Richard and Robert Gielow, CM “ I Could Have Done More”, Natalie Monteza, Secretary General, AIC, “Changes being made on the International Level” Sr. Caroljean Willie, “ Characteristics of Systemic Change”, and Carrie Rosetti, “ Kansas City Alliance on Human Trafficking-Veronica’s Voice Panel”.  The speakers were very motivating as it focused on a systemic change approach to working with those living in poverty.

Fellowship and the renewing of friendships, along with new ones being formed provided for the sharing of more future communications within the different regions.

At the conclusion of the Assembly, grants were presented.  The Junior Ladies of Charity were recognized and Certificates were presented to the moderators for the Junior Associations.

To Albe McGurk, Gayle Johnson and the entire committee, we thank you and congratulate you on a very successful Assembly.  Your kindness and hospitality were appreciated by all who attended.

The 11th National Assembly of the Ladies of Charity was held September 15-17, 20111



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  1. Molly Siedlarczyk

    Lucky expressed my sentiments as well. There were very favorable comments from everyone with whom I spoke. I have been able to attend the national assemblies many times over the last 30+ years and have seen them develop into occasions which enrich us educationally, socially and spiritually. Thank you Albe, Gayle and all of the KC Ladies of Charity for making
    us so welcome in their beautiful city, for their many acts of kindness and their outstanding generosity. I will always remember with joy my first visit to Kansas City. Molly Siedlarczyk, Binghamton, NY. Ladies of Charity

  2. jbf

    I regret that this was the first meeting since 2001 that I have missed. From all reports it was a great success.