First woman appointed to International Board of SVDP

John Freund, CM
September 25, 2011

Dr. Michael Thio announces the appointment of MarieFrancoise Salesiani-Payet as Vice President of Formation replace Jean Cherville.
The text from the international site reads as follows..
Dear Vincentians, The Peace of Christ be with you.
I'm pleased to inform you that  we have appointed a new Vice-President for Formation to replace the vacancy left by
Jean Cherville. She is MarieFrancoise Salesiani-Payet who is presently the ITVP for Europe Group 1 and prior to
this she was the ITVP for Europe Central and the Mediterranean.
She is a very committed Vincentian and has been serving in the CGI International Structure for a good number of years. Formation and Training are some of her strong points and she will bring to the position a wealth of expertise and experience. Her
appointment takes effect as from 16 September 2011 and she is the first lady to be appointed to the CGI Board in the history of the Society. What a historical feat. We offer our heartiest Congratulations to Marie-Francoise and welcome her to the CGI
Marie-Francoise will continue with her role as ITVP for Europe 1 for the time being in addition to her new post of Vice-President for Formation. We wish her well. Let us join in prayer for Marie-Francoise that the Holy Spirit will guide and enlighten her in her
Vincentian mission and vocation.
Yours in St Vincent and Blessed Frederic.
Dr. Michael Thio, D

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