President SVDP USA - Call to action!

John Freund, CM
August 22, 2011

“National Programs That Serve Those in Need are At Risk”  – Joe Flannigan, National President SVDP USA,  reminds Vincentians that Congress is in recess until September 7 and their senators and representatives are back home.  When they return to Washington, they will have to make decisions on the national debt that will affect every program.  “We are very sure that many of the programs that serve those who are most vulnerable and in need in our communities — the very people served by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul — will be at risk.”

“I want to urge you  to communicate with your senators and representatives to let them know about the challenges facing the people you serve.  Here are some simple steps you can do:
  • Participate in a town hall meeting. During the summer recess, many representatives will hold town hall meetings and other events to hear from their constituents face to face.  It’s critical that Vincentians take part in these events and make our voices and views known about the challenges facing our communities.
  • Call your members of Congress and urge them to fight to ensure that those most in need are not affected disproportionately by federal cuts to critical services.
  • Take the time to develop a relationship with your members of Congress.  Schedule a visit with your members’ district offices to discuss these issues, or invite them to see the work done by your Council or Conference.  Putting a face on the issue personalizes the challenge in a way that no statistic can.

Click on “Action Alert” for a template of a letter he suggests  you can use to contact your elected representatives.

Thinking about our heritage…

  • Vincent often spoke the truth to power reminding rulers of the needs of those who are poor.
  • Frederic spoke out to raise consciousness of the needs of the people he visited.
  • Pope after Pope  echo the gospel theme “What you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you do for me.”


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1 Comment

  1. Elena

    I have called and emailed my representative many times and I don’t believe it has ever had an impact on his decision. I live in a district that is primarily middle class but supports policies that favor the rich. Voters need to be educated, especially the middle class. As Catholics we need to publicly and loudly object to policies that further endanger the poor. We need to fight for all Catholic social justice issues, not just abortion. Our voices will have more of an impact if the bishops lead the protests at the offices of the elected officials. We send buses to Washington to protest abortion. Let’s send buses in support of the poor.