SC Leavenworth appoint first lay Director of Associates

John Freund, CM
August 13, 2011

Terri Butel  had become the first lay Director of Associates of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth . The Associates are a group of men and women who identify with the mission and spirit and share in the ministries of the religious community.  There are 232 SCL Associates across the United States. Butel became an Associate in 2001 and served two terms on the Associate Advisory Board before assuming her job responsibilities in Leavenworth, Kan., on Aug. 1.

As the first lay and the first full-time director of Associates, she said that she feels very fortunate to have a job that will place her “in the presence of Sisters and Associates among whom there is this incredible spiritual energy.”

The Sisters serve in ministries including education, social services, pastoral work and health care in the United States, Peru and Southern Sudan. For more information, visit

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