Need help funding a Vincentian oriented book?

John Freund, CM
July 24, 2011

I just came across in “The Economist” a novel way to get funding for books and research projects.

Crowd Funding

In essence… ” The (publishing) business needs fresh ideas. Enter Unbound, a British effort to “crowd-fund” books. Visitors to its website can pledge money for a book that is only part-written. If enough money is raised, the author can afford to finish it—and the pledgers will get a copy.”

Strikes me as something the Vincentians might use. Check out the link above. I would be happy to post news of such requests to in the hopes of alerting members of the Vincentian Family to something that they might be interested in funding in “microfinance” size contributions.


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  1. rolando delagoza

    Hello Fr.Freund,

    It is so good to hear about the possibility of having some sort of micro-finance for Vincentian books. Presently I have a draft of our Philippine Province History II which is still unpublished due to lack of funds. How do I start?

    Thanks for all your good work.

  2. jbf

    Dear Rolando,
    Great to hear from you again.
    The first step would be to visit the Unbound website link.
    Once there follow the instructions.
    When you have a link please send it to me and I will post notice of it.