Blogging priest to become Canada’s youngest bishop

John Freund, CM
July 23, 2011

He was the first Canadian Roman Catholic priest to start a blog. The Canadian paper Globe and Mailreports that now, at 40, Rev. Thomas Dowd is posting a much loftier achievement: Canada’s youngest bishop and the second youngest in the world.

As a pioneer of social-media use in the church, Father Dowd has been making his mark, having launched his blog – Waiting in Joyful Hope, at – eight years ago and heading up a project in the 1990s to get the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Internet, a global first.

On Sept. 10, the capacious, ornate Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral in downtown Montreal is expected to be packed for Father Dowd’s ordination as auxiliary bishop of the city, the second-largest diocese in the country.

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