,000 is at stake!

John Freund, CM
July 20, 2011

Back on July 6 famvin posted news of a VIncentian Family $25,000 challenge grant for Haitian scholarships. The Ladies of Charity and the Seton Federation sites are also reminding us. Vincent urged us to do more than feed people but also to them to fish. Have you considered giving the gift of an education to a young child whose chance for a future were so radically change not too long ago. No amount is too small. We would not want any of that $25,000 to go to waste. Zafen – It’s our business!

Visit Zafen – 1. click on “Projects” on the top navigation, 2. click “Education and Other Social Projects” options under “Basic Search” or 3. under “Advanced Search” selecting “Education” from drop down box.

Please note the link to the “News” item has been updated and if selected will redirect to the 100 scholarships packet for $5,000.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.

Griselda Garibay
Zafen/Vincentian Family Administrator







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