Happy US Independence Day and Canada Day

John Freund, CM
July 4, 2011

This weekend the people of Canada and the United States celebrated Canada Day and Independence Day respectively.  Today the liturgy speaks to us… “”today we rededicate ourselves to your service, and to the works of justice and freedom for all. As you have called us from many peoples to one nattion, help us to give witness in our lives and in our life as a nation to the rich diversity of your gifts. We ask this …(Prayer) “(Jesus) spoke to men a mesage of pece and taught us to live as brothers. His message took form in the vision of our fathers as he fashioned a nation where men might live as one. This message lives on in our midst as a task for men today and promise for tomorrow. We thank you Father, for you blessings in the past and for all that, with you help, we must yet achieve.”  (Preface)

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