SVDP Commission for International Aid and Development

John Freund, CM
May 27, 2011

The following is an overview of decisions taken by the international SVDP at a meeting held on 4 May 2011.. A total amount of  € 122,334 has been pledged for 10 projects in 7 countries during this meeting, which brings the amount of aid given by CIAD so far in 2011 to €314,403 for18 countries.

The following is a summary of these decisions:

The St Sepulcre Conference in  Jerusalem is facing heavy financial difficulties in a particularly tense environment, and had to stop most of their nice, important and ambitious projects. Not having much funds available to support all of their usual projects, CGI has decided to provide an exceptional emergency help of  € 3,000 to allow the Conference continue to give very basic medical assistance, while the Commission keeps on trying to find twins for this Conference of the Holy Land.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the region of Goma, a € 23,300 project of distribution of blankets, tarpaulins, kitchen utensils to 1,000 families, victims of the armed conflicts has been approved. DevelopmentIn  Congo Brazzaville, the Society has set-up a nice self sustaining and income generating project of market gardening and pork and chicken farming. This project is aimed at providing jobs and food to the local community, help people have selfsustaining activities, and generate income for SSVP’s charitable activities. The total accepted budget is € 10,000.

In  Democratic Republic of Congo,  -where CGI asked SSVP to set-up funds generating and self-sustaining projects to support their charitable activities, CGI has decided to support the purchase of grinding mills (€ 4,750) for local farmers to be able to mill and sell their maniocs, also creating small employment and income for SSVP’s charitable work. A brick factory project (€ 2,790) has also been approved, managed by local volunteers. Last, a micro-credit loan project to raped women has also been supported (€ 5,000).

In  Madagascar, CGI has been asked to participate in Vincentian Family’s “DREAM Project” we already support successfully in Kenya and has accepted to do so for  € 10,000. This project gives multiple help to AIDS patients (medical assistance, education, food, etc.).

COMMISSION FOR INTERNATIONAL AID AND DEVELOPMENThttp://www.ssvpglobal.orgThe Commission has also accepted a  € 2,500 project of collection of school items in Canada to be distributed to schools in Guatemala; this is a common project between CGI’s Youth Committee, SSVP Canada and SSVP Guatemala.

The Krasnoyarsk Conference, in  Russia has applied for a  € 15,994  grant to fund several of their activities: visits to orphanages and retirement houses, material support to poor families and to children, spiritual and recreation days for children, and distribution of sandwiches. This request has been accepted by the CIAD.

Last, after very generous specific donations from SSVP USA, Canada and Spain, the CIAD has been able to support a€ 45,000 rice plantation project in Dominican Republic. This will allow the extension of a very well working existing project that provides jobs to the local community, rice for the poor as well as income to the Dominican SSVP, allowing them to fund their charitable activities in different parts of the country.

For further information on any of the above Projects please contact Bruno Fabre at for the Solidarity Fund should be sent to Lise at

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