Doodling for Zafen???

John Freund, CM
April 14, 2011

Calling all Vincentian artists and wannabes! How about doodling for Zafen. sponsoring a doodle contest. “Doodle Something Good in the World.” If you think Zafen is doing something good in the world and like to doodle, try your hand!

the OBJECTIVE Create a doodle that tells us about a person, group, object, or idea that you think makes the world better, and why. the ASSIGNMENT The doodle can be as broad or as specific as you wish. It can be about a personal friend of yours who’s doing something unusual and awesome, an company that’s finding new ways to do business while doing good, or something much more abstract. It’s a pretty broad prompt, so choose something unique and unexpected.
Welcome to a special edition of the GOOD Doodles project. This month, we’re partnering with Cole Haan to ask you to “Doodle Something Good in the World.” It’s broad—we want doodles that illustrate what inspires you. Is there a person, group, object, or even idea that you feel is making a positive difference in the world? Draw it and share your art with theGOOD community. We welcome quick doodles and elaborate drawings alike. Our panel of judges will include me, members of GOOD’s editorial department, and Cole Haan, and will pick the top three best submissions. All three winners will receive a GOOD T-Shirt and a Cole Haan gift certificate ($500 for first prize, $250 for second, and $100 for third). And even if you don’t win you’ll get the chance to share you sketching ability with a huge audience! See below for more details.

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