Praying for an Ozanam miracle

John Freund, CM
April 2, 2011

WE NEED AN OZANAM’S MIRACLE writes the Vincent de Paul Society in Brazil. “Here in Brazil we are need of a miracle for our brother vincentian João Marcos Andrietta. Man of faith who fights against a disease that medical science so far found no cure (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – ALS).”

Dear friends vincentians in Brazil and worldwide.

Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ!

In Brazil and the world have thousands of friends who have given and give their lives in favor of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and in the poorest people who teach us every day to be better catholics christians and vincentians.

Here in Brazil we are need of a miracle for our brother vincentian João Marcos Andrietta. Man of faith who fights against a disease that medical science so far found no cure (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – ALS).

João Marcos and his family face this evil with exemple, showing by their lives of faith that God is bigger than anything and that with Him we can it everything .

We love our dear friend and brother João Marcos and appeal to all vincentians of Brazil and worldwide that ask to God Father, Jesus who has saved us by the intersection of Ozanam, the definitive cure of João Marcos Andrietta.

We ask that this appeal reaches all the conferences around the world. That every vincentian especially at the hour of Eucharistic Consecration ask with all your faith in the Eucharist that Jesus heals definitely, make it happen this miracle in the life of João Marcos Andrietta  by intersection of Ozanam, to the glory of God Father! Amen!

We appreciate this world union in favor of this miracle in the life of our brother João Marcos Andrietta and thank God Father through His infinite mercy and goodness.

In St. Vincent and Ozanam

Cristóvão Gonçalves

Conference Santa Luiza de Marilac



  • Have you ever experienced something miraculous in your life?
  • What was your rection?
  • When was the last time you prayed for a miracle?

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