Recreating place Vincent discovered his vocation

February 18, 2011

The Vincentian Studies Institute at DePaul University has commissioned the distinguished diorama artist Jeff Wrona to construct a large scale model of the church at Folleville, the site of the first sermon of the mission preached by Vincent de Paul on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.  It is one of those heritage places in France where one can still feel the palpable presence of Vincent.The model will  recreate what the church would have looked like on January 25, 1617 as Vincent stepped forward to preach. For other example of the work of Jeff Wrona visit Section 2 of the Vincentian Encyclopedia article on St Lazare.


  • Have you ever felt connected to history when you visited an historical site such as Gettysburg,  a place where an ancestor died, etc.?
  • Is there some significant Vincentian historical site you visited?
  • If you had the time and the money what Vincentian site would you like to visit?

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1 Comment

  1. Sr. Margaret Mary

    Folleville is a very special place. Upon visiting the site, I tried to imagine Vincent walking the streets – as quaint as they are today – they truly must have been something. The terrain is very hilly. Gazing on the pulpit helped me to visualize Vincent. I would love to see the diarama when it is completed.