Vincentian History Research Network

February 8, 2011

The Vincentian Studies Institute at DePaul University is proud to announce the debut of the Vincentian History Research Network (VHRN) – a dynamic online forum designed for researchers and scholars on Vincentian topics broadly considered.
The VHRN is an online network where participants can learn about Vincentian resources, share current research projects, ask questions about possible archival and bibliographic resources, announce publications or upcoming conferences, and seek grant funding.
Please join us by creating a Ning account here:
We hope the VHRN will help create a worldwide community of “Vincentian” scholars.  Since many scholars are multi-lingual, please feel free to post in the language you feel most comfortable using.  Please, also feel free to share this invitation with other researchers.


Not everyone has time for heavy duty research but what little we have time or energy for can provide rich insights into how Vincent, Louise, Frederic, ELizabeth faced difficulties not unlike the one we face.

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