Blessed Rosalie filled with Soul Fire

February 6, 2011

February 7 marks the feast of Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC, a woman whose soul was on fire. Her passion is celebrated in a four part series “SoulFire”. It was she who lit the fire of Blessed Fredric Ozanam’s commitment to serve the who are poor and marginalized.

Soulfire – Part 2
Soulfire – Part 3
Soulfire – Part 4

See also

Five Faces of Rosalie Rendu
Comparing the Lives of Vincent and Frederic


  • Who has been the Rosalie Rendu who has ignited the fire of service in you?
  • Where and how did she find the fire?
  • Who most reminds you of Rosalie Rendu today?

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  1. sr. mary ann guevara, dc

    thank you for featuring Soul Fire again as we remember Bl. Rosalie Rendu. May the fire of charity continue to light up our world. Praise the Lord for the Charity in our hearts.

    sr. mary ann, dc – Philippines

  2. Georgia Hedrick

    Again, here’s to you Sister Patrice Murray, D.C., who asked me to write and draw about
    my hero, Sister Rosalie Rendu! It was long ago, but it is finally up and running. Now both of you are together and aware of God and all that is good in heaven!
    Let no one ever forget the great ones who have gone before!

  3. Kieran Kneaves, dc

    Dear Alma,
    Thank you for this wonderful gift of insight and grace! In collaboration you capture the heart and spirit of Rosalie. Indeed, the SVDP Society still stands in gratitude to her. Know that Patrice always knew that you would come through! Also, I am proud to celebrate the day 54 years ago when we came to the Community together and all the wonderful memories that we share. Love, Kieran