Pioneer in religious education for needy people

February 3, 2011

Blessed  (February 3, 2008) Giuseppina Nicoli DC encountered  difficulties caused largely by distrustful administrators of an orphanage. She continued her work, in time gaining recognition for her dedication, courage and good will. In Sassari she continued her work in religious education for needy people of all ages.

At a time when religious education was not being included in school curricula, she arranged this for girls from wealthy families. The Associazione dei Figli di Maria (Association of the Sons of Mary) was promoted by her and she directed the Associazione delle Figlie di Maria (Association of the Daughters of Mary). She provided a model of direct service to the poor, especially orphans and the ill, and introduced other sisters to the ministry of visiting the incarcerated.

3 minute presentation developed by the Daughters of Charity.

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