Advent: Renew Life (Reflection from MiSeVi-Guinea)

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
December 14, 2010

The Advent season always makes me think of what life would be, the world, if we lived out of hope, with a new heart, the things of everday life.
Not even having to change much of what we already do, we may only need to look at what God has already created, his magnificent work, and care for it as we care for a newborn babe.
No doubt each day brings many difficulties, each person her/his own concerns and fears, the world — its own conflicts … but in everything is the Hope that God gives us to make anew what has already been created.

In Guinea, in the Mission during this season, we’ve had the opportunity of living “spaces of Hope,” times of Renewal:
–On the one hand the many people who, in their gratitude, have contributed in education, health, pastoral work, … giving vacation time, happiness, dialogue, effort, … Faith and much Life to the mission. Cinta, Nuria, Nati, Marta Lucia, Chus, Manolo … all have left their mark on the children, what they learned, their memories, their guidance…
–Starting a new school year with new challenges, with a greater number of children attending school who we want to educate from Faith for their life.
–Visits to the elderly who live alone and so wait for the Liturgy of the Word, and a human encounter. In the words of D. Pablo, “The celebration makes me forget my poor life: it is a great source of hope.”

The prayers and celebrations of the Word renew us every day and, as they say here, carry us through incomprehensible situations contrary to human dignity, situations that cause unnecessary suffering.
In conclusion we would like to pose this question:

What you need to renew your heart for God to dwell there?

Hopefully, and each one can discover it in this season of Advent and we can open our hearts to the Redeemer.

United in prayer.

Comunidad Misevi de Guinea (Misioneros Seglares Vicencianos)


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