President reflects on SVDP - past, present and future

John Freund, CM
November 10, 2010

In a wide-ranging interview with Michael Thio, the first non-European President of of Society, shares his views about how the Society has grown and matured as well as what it means that he is the first Asian to lead it.

MICHAEL THIO: “After 177 years since it’s founding, the global movement in 146 countries voted for the first non-European president general. It is unprecedented and it is a historical moment for the Society. In my opinion, it shows the Society has grown and matured over the years. While European countries make up 30 percent of the membership now, Africa and Asia/Oceania combined holds about 50 percent of the global membership. And while membership in terms of individual members and countries are growing in Africa and Asia/Oceania, in Europe individual membership is declining. There is a discerning paradigm shift in the growth and development of the Society outside Europe.”
Full text of  interview

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