“GLOBE - students changing the world, one loan at a time!”

John Freund, CM
November 9, 2010

One participant described it as the “Vincentian Family’s best kept secret”. The “Globe” initiative from St. John’s University in NY,  a Vincentian university, trains students  in micro-finance techniques.

The recently concluded “Training the Trainers”  workshop focusing on systemic change presented a series of “Trailblazer” workshops illustrating how the Vincentian Family is already moving toward systemic change in North American.

“GLOBE, a student-managed academic program at St. John’s University, the Peter J. Tobin College of Business, provides loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world.   Through GLOBE, students are educated about the world of microfinance while helping the poorest of the poor help themselves and their families out of poverty.  Students, in describing their mission as part of GLOBE, say: “We are committed to building a global community (starting here at St. John’s) that is going to contribute to the goal of eradicating poverty within our lifetime.””

GLOBE aims to provide loans to struggling entrepreneurs, and currently operates in seven countries: Kenya, Bolivia, Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambique, Thailand, and Madagascar.

Follow  Globe via Facebook,  Twitter or YouTube.

See earlier famvin story

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