Federation Board Elects New Leadership

John Freund, CM
October 24, 2010

At the October 12-15 Board meeting held at Xavier Center in Convent Station New Jersey, the following Board Members were elected to the Executive Committee: Donna Geernaert SC of the Sisters of Charity of Halifax as President,  Judith Lynn Gardenhire DC of the West Province of the Daughters of Charity as Vice President, Judith Fitzgerald NDSC of Les Religieuses de Notre Dame du Sacre-Coeur as Secretary and Mary Elizabeth Miller SCN, of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth as Treasurer. Federation website.

The Board expressed thanks to the outgoing officers for their service. Barbara Hagedorn SC had served two terms as President. She was the first President of the Board. Mary Frances Hildenberger DC and Bridget Sullivan OLM were thanked for their two terms as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Judith Fitzgerald NDSC remains on the Executive Committee as the new Secretary, leaving her current role as Vice President.

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