350TH Closing cermonies in Manila

John Freund, CM
September 30, 2010

The closing of the 350th …”celebration at the Manila Cathedral was truly impressive and awesome. 12  bishops were present plus the Cardinal of Manila and the papal nuncio who delivered very beautiful and touching messages.”From Rolly Santos to the Superior General…

Greetings! You must have had a wonderful closing celebration of the 350th death
anniversary of our Founder and of St. Louise de Marillac. in Paris.

rom RoOur own celebration at the Manila Cathedral was truly impressive and awesome. 12
bishops were present plus the Cardinal of Manila and the papal nuncio who
delivered very beautiful and touching messages.  The whole cathedral was packed
to the aisles with the presence of the different branches of the Vincentian
Family. The singing was superb with the whole congregation participating in the
singing led by a 300-strong choir and string orchestra. All the songs were
beautiful and were mostly composed by our own local confreres and Daughters of
Charity. the first reading was done by a blind woman who read in braille.  The
responsorial psalm was sung by four children from the Payatas dumpsite.
Everything was just so impressive and solemn.  A witness to the greatness of
God, the love for Sts. Vincent and Louise and the beauty of collaborative effort
within the Vincentian Family!

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