Vincentian Service Corps - Goodbyes and Hellos

John Freund, CM
September 22, 2010

The  Newsletter Summer-Fall 2010 of the Vincentian Service Corps – Central is filled with “Hellos” and “Goodbyes”. Sr. Teresa Daly, DC says Goodbye – Kellie Willis says Hello as the new Executive Director. The 2009-2010 VSC Members say Goodbye and the 2010-2011 Vincentian Service Corps Members say Hello. Click Read More.In this newsletter those concluding their Year of service that makes a Lifetime of Difference share what it has meant to them as they tried to live out the VSC Mission.


“Responding to the call of the Gospel in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul, lay women and men of the Vincentian Service Corps serve those who are poor while growing in prayer and living in community.”

Historical Perspectives on Vincentian Youth

  • Blessed Frederic Ozanam was a 20 year old University of Sorbonne student when he organized the first group of students as a Confraternity of Charity which was to become the St. VIncent dePaul Society.
  • Catherine Harkins was 23 year old Irish immigrant when she heard a call to organize what was to become the Ladies of Charity USA.

Vincentian Young Adult Initiatives (Vincentian Encuclopedia)

World Youth Day Madrid – THe Vincentian Family will be well resprented.

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