Spreading the charism among athletes

John Freund, CM
September 13, 2010

Winding through the cobble stone streets, passing by antiquated, yet well-kept, churches and Parisian buildings, the DePaul women’s basketball team walked in the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul, as they toured the home city of de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac with Rev. Edward Udovic, C.M. Click Read More
“For me, it was a huge connecting the dots,” said Katherine Harry, sophomore forward. “We’ve read all of these things about Vincent and heard all of these things and seen videos and just learned so much about him. But then, when we finally got there, it was nice to be able to say like, ‘Oh, these were his.’ ‘This is what he was seeing.’ ‘These are the places he was walking.’ ‘These were the things he was doing.'”

“The day I spent with them in Paris was seeing the highlights of St. Vincent in Paris and then pair it with the class they’d already taken,” said Fr. Udovic.

The team visited Motherhouse of the Congregation of the Mission, which is home to de Paul’s burial location and a museum featuring items originally belonging to him.

“We saw his walking cape and his shoes and his umbrella and all of these things that he’s worn,” said Harry. “So it was neat to see things that he had in his possession that are still around today.”

Other highlights included the Motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity, where St. Louise de Marrillac was buried, the church where de Marrillac and de Paul met and the church de Marrillac was married in, according to Harry.

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