SVDP making the poor visible in Australian politics

John Freund, CM
August 18, 2010

Almost 12 percent of all Australians are still living in a state of permanent recession and struggling to cope on society’s margins, says Dr John Falzon, Chief Executive of St Vincent de Paul Society’s National Council. “The Federal election is about the economy but we must remember that the economy means everyone, not just the prosperous,” he warns and calls on both major political parties to remember the poor and marginalised in the lead up to the Federal election on 21 August. National President of the society, Mr Syd Tutton backs this stand and has issued a statement urging politicians of all stripes, when creating policies consider aged pensioners, young people, people living with disabilities, the unemployed, low-paid families, sole parents, the homeless and those undergoing housing stress. See Sydney Catholic for full story

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