Vinnies (Australia) Social Justice Awards celebrate young people

John Freund, CM
August 11, 2010

The Vinnies Social Justice awards on September 1st 2010 will celebrate and acknowledge the good works of hundreds of young South Australians who are building a fair and just community.

From little things …
“It’s having a passion for change that’s really got to be somewhere in you”
Julia Gillard, PM

Our Prime Minster Julia Gillard was once a young activist, believing that social change is possible by standing up for a cause you believe in. A group of remarkable young people who form our Parliament join her in this quest.
People such as Kelly Vincent, who is the youngest woman MP elected in South Australia, will be presenting Awards to young people on the night. There are many young people who act for others and they are an inspiration to us all. The Vinnies Social Justice Awards recognise, celebrate and reward young people who make a difference for others in need.
Young people like Patrick Russo from Rostrevor College, (aged 8) who brought in a pencil case from home when he discovered a Sudanese classmate was without one; and the 20 students from William Light School who have been nominated by the Ashford Special School for their weekly visits supporting children with disabilities.

Full details are online – visit
Spokespersons for the Social Justice Awards:
Tim Taylor – Vinnies Education Co-ordinator
Vinnies Awards Ambassadors (Young Adult Awardees for 2010)
Laura Heathfield,

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